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Candle in Hands

Prayer Group

First Saturday of the Month at 9:15

A quiet, informal service held in the church hall once a month. Those on our sick list are prayed for and we bring our own concerns before God.


Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 2:00

This meets once a week in the church hall. The group goes through one of the books of the bible, chapter-by-chapter, and the members are able to ask questions and discuss points of interest. It is fun and interesting and people can say as much or as little as they like. There are no daft questions and no need to have any prior knowledge or experience of reading the bible. It is a great way to learn more about Christianity.

Groups: What's Happening
Kids Playing Treasure Hunt


Every Wednesday at 6:30

This is your Event Description. It’s a great place to give your visitors information about upcoming events at your church and around the community. Include relevant information like where and when it’s happening, who it’s geared towards, and who to contact with questions. Add an image or a video for extra engagement.

Moms and Babies

Stay and Play

Every Wednesday at 9:15

Our popular toddler group meets every Wednesday in the church hall. Parents, grandparents, and carers are able to sit and chat and socialise, whilst the children play. It is £2 per toddler, £1 per extra child, under 1s are £1. There are craft activities, singing and storytime, and in the summer they often go outside to play on the church lawn.

Church Choir


Practice every Thursday at 7:30

The choir lead worship every Sunday at 10am and they meet to practice on Thursday at 7:30pm under the guidance of organist and choirmaster, Nigel. They are also available to sing at weddings. New members are always welcome.

Groups: What's Happening
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